Facts & Life Hacks

10 fastest animals in the World

Some of the world’s fastest animals move through the air, water, and land. Many of them are birds you may have never seen, like the Frigate Bird, which can stay in the sky for an entire week!

Here are the top 10 fastest animals on Earth:

1. Peregrine Falcon

The Peregrine Falcon holds the record as the fastest animal. It is a powerful bird with sharp claws that help it catch prey while flying. Because of its incredible speed and natural camouflage, it can be hard to spot. This bird can dive at an astonishing speed of 322 km/h.

2. White-Throated Needletail

This bird is the second fastest in the world. It has a thick body and long, pointed wings that make it an excellent flyer. White-Throated Needletails grow about 20 cm long and weigh between 110 and 120 grams. They can fly as fast as 171 km/h.

3. Frigate Bird

Frigate Birds are found in warm ocean regions. There are five species, all belonging to the Fregata family. They have black feathers and long, hooked beaks. These birds can stay in the sky for up to a week without landing and can reach speeds of 153 km/h.

4. Spur-Winged Goose

This large waterbird lives in sub-Saharan Africa. It is the biggest goose in the world and prefers to stay around lakes and rivers. Despite its size, it can fly as fast as 142 km/h.

5. Cheetah

The cheetah is the fastest land animal. It has a small head, long legs, and a slim body, making it perfectly built for speed. When chasing prey, a cheetah can reach up to 113 km/h in just a few seconds.

6. Sailfish

Known for its long, sharp bill and large dorsal fin, the sailfish is the fastest fish in the ocean. It can grow over three meters long and can swim at speeds of up to 110 km/h.

7. Pronghorn Antelope

This is the second-fastest land animal, just behind the cheetah. It is about 90 cm tall, 1.3 meters long, and weighs between 40 and 70 kg. Pronghorn antelopes are mainly found in North America and can run at speeds of up to 98 km/h.

8. Marlin

The Marlin is a fast-swimming fish, second only to the sailfish. It has an elongated body and a rigid, spear-like fin. It can move through the water at speeds of 80 km/h.

9. Blue Wildebeest

This large African animal is easily recognized by its long, shaggy hair that hangs from its neck and throat. It can grow up to 1.5 meters tall at the shoulders and weigh around 250 kg. Blue wildebeests can run at speeds of about 80 km/h.

10. Brown Hare

Native to parts of Europe and Asia, the brown hare is known for its long ears and powerful hind legs. It can reach speeds of 77 km/h when trying to escape predators.