Twin births have always fascinated people, and recent research shows that they are more common in some countries than others. A global study analyzing data from 76 developing nations found significant variations in twin birth rates across regions. Central Africa, particularly Benin, stands out for its unusually high twinning rates.
Here are five countries where twin births are especially common:
1. Benin
Benin leads the world with 27.9 twin births per 1,000 live births, the highest natural twinning rate globally. This high rate is largely due to genetics, especially among women from specific ethnic groups in the country. Benin’s twin birth rate is significantly higher than most other nations, making it a key area for studying the causes of twin prevalence.
2. Ivory Coast (Côte d’Ivoire)
Ivory Coast has a twinning rate of 24.9 twins per 1,000 births, placing it close behind Benin. Similar to Benin, genetic factors are believed to play a major role in this West African country’s high twin birth rate. Shared genetic traits among the population increase the likelihood of having twins, particularly fraternal twins.
3. Nigeria
Nigeria is renowned for its high twin birth rate, especially in the southwest region. The Yoruba ethnic group has an exceptionally high rate of twin births, with areas like Igbo-Ora earning the title “Twin Capital of the World.” Nearly every family in this region is said to have at least one set of twins. The genetic makeup of the population is the primary reason for this phenomenon.
4. Central African Republic
The Central African Republic is another country with a high twinning rate. While less well-known, the country’s genetic makeup contributes to the increased likelihood of twin births, particularly fraternal twins. The genetic predisposition of the population makes multiple births more common here than in most other parts of the world.
5. Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)
Twin births are also relatively common in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). Like other African countries with high twinning rates, genetic factors play a significant role. A combination of genetics and environmental factors, especially in rural areas with limited access to fertility treatments, contributes to the higher rate of twin conceptions.
These countries highlight the fascinating role of genetics in twin births, particularly in Central and West Africa. The high rates of twinning in these regions continue to intrigue researchers and capture the interest of people worldwide.