
“I’m 54 and my wife is 25, I’m dying inside, I pretend to be the father” – Impotent man cries out over wife’s pregnancy

A man suffering from an issue of impotence has recounted a sad experience involving his wife who got pregnant.

The man revealed in a post online that he has been having an issue with ere.ctile dysfunction.

It had led to the end of his first marriage, and being 54, he got married to another wife who was 25.

He noted that his wife insisted on having her own child or else she would leave the marriage.

According to him, he and his wife came to an agreement about allowing her see other people.

He revealed that his wife eventually took in for another man and his wife is insisting that he accepts the child as his, and introduce the child to his family as his own.

The embattled man stated that the issue has left him deeply saddened.

His words:

“Please hide my name. My first wife and I divorced in 2019 and I decided to marry again in 2021. I am 54 and my new wife is 25. Since last year I got diagnosed with a condition that makes it hard for my ma.n.hood to be har.d. I have not touched my wife in the bedroom since December 2022. She wanted to take our child and leave but I asked her to stay. One of her conditions was for me to allow her to get intimate with other men. I agreed but asked her to sleep at home everyday and not date anyone who knows me. She doesn’t tell me what she gets up to but I can feel the smell sometimes when she comes home from wherever. It’s difficult but I was trying to get used to it until she told me in January this year that she is pregnant and I must pretend to be the father. My family is so happy about the pregnancy but I’m dying inside. I can’t tell anyone about my condition because it’s embarrassing. I feel like a corpse. The thought of s.uic.ide keeps crossing my mind. But ever since I discovered this group I feel much better because I see I’m not the only one going through life problems. Thank you.”

See post below …

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