Kechi Okwuchi, one of the two survivors of the 2005 Sosoliso plane crash, marked the 19th anniversary of the tragic event with a heartfelt tribute.
In a post shared on her X account, Okwuchi referred to the victims of the crash as angels and expressed her hope that they continue to watch over her.
In her own words: “Today is the 19th anniversary of the Sosoliso plane crash. I hope the 60 Angels keep watch over me as I navigate life, living out God’s purpose for me. I hope their loved ones who’ve rooted for me since day 1 are proud of me, and that I can keep giving them reasons to smile,”.
About The Sosoliso Crash
The tragic Sosoliso plane crash occurred on December 10th 2005 during a domestic flight from Abuja to Port Harcourt, Nigeria.
The aircraft, carrying approximately 110 passengers, crash-landed at Port Harcourt International Airport, hitting the ground and erupting into flames on impact.
Following the crash, seven survivors were initially rescued and taken to hospitals; sadly, only two ultimately survived.