
Shop owner in cries out after customer paid for goods with bundle of paper

A Nigerian lady was captured in a heartbreaking video kneeling and swearing for a customer who bought things from her with papers.

In the video shared on TikTok by @orlamy5, the young lady knelt on a stone while shedding uncontrollable tears.

She narrated how someone came to her shop, bought things and paid with papers. However, the lady didn’t realise that she was paid with papers until the person had left the shop.

People gathered in the video and captured the lady as she cried with the papers in her hands.

The video stirred reactions from some netizens who once had similar experiences.

Everything Online said: “She knelt down ontop stone dey swear.. chaili e go catch that person oo aaaaagh wahala.”

@prince-sky reacted: “It happened to me when I bought phone of 89k before I reach house the phone turned to fufu.”

@adeneyeayomide421 said: “it might actually be true cuz it has happened to me before 25k in 500 naira note turned to 10naira pieces

@sunnysideshaun said: “It’s possible it’s a form of magic.. my mom always tell me from kid days.”

Nimah said: “Dis thing Dey happen true true make u forget seh she Dey lie oo it don happen to my friend before and one little girl dat was sent to market to get.”

@jessy Joy reacted: “God will punish the person that did this.”

Stephanie said: “This happened to me wen I was doing POs for person buh is 50k | cried out my eyes since then I no do again my own turn to 10 Naira.”

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