Facts & Life Hacks

The 5 words most used by liars, according to AI

Spotting a liar can be hard, but there are signs to look for.

Studies using artificial intelligence have found that people often use certain words and speech patterns when they lie. While there is no perfect way to tell if someone is lying, knowing these signs can help you notice red flags in a conversation.

1. Extreme words
Liars often use words like “never” and “always” to make their story sound stronger. Since real life is rarely that black and white, this could mean they are not telling the truth.

2.Phrases that signal honesty
When someone says “honestly,” “to be honest,” or  “I’m telling you the truth,” it might actually be a sign of lying. They may be trying too hard to convince you instead of just telling the truth naturally.

3. Uncertain language
People who lie often use words like “I think,” “it seems,” “I guess,” or “it could be.” These phrases help them avoid making firm statements, so they have an excuse later if they get caught.

4.The word “but”
When someone says “but” in a sentence, it often signals a contradiction. For example, if they say, “I’m not hiding anything, but…” they might actually be hiding something.

5.Being vague
Liars tend to avoid details and use unclear words like “that,” “this,” or  “that situation.” This keeps them from giving specifics and helps them avoid getting caught in their lie.

By paying attention to these language clues, you might be able to tell when someone is not being completely honest.

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