
10-Year-Old girl rejects money from her Father,says her Father should have been in her life early enough

A 10-year-old girl refused to accept money from her father, saying that he should have been in her life earlier, as it’s now too late.

While on her way to school, her mother questioned her about why she rejected her father’s money.

The girl replied that she didn’t want his money and that he should have started taking care of her earlier. She added that she doesn’t need his money now because it’s too late.

The mother explained that the father was willing to send her 30,000 Naira, but the girl still wasn’t interested.

The girl asked why he had suddenly started sending her money when he used to ignore their requests for financial help in the past.

She also said there must be a reason her father is now sending her money and expressed discomfort with accepting it.

The girl told her mother that she wants to speak to her father before making a final decision.

The Mother of the girl shared the video on social media with an overlay text that reads : ” my 10 years old daughter rejected money from her father,she said she is not comfortable,fine out why 30K for school or food for the past 7 years now”

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