
Father found guilty of shooting youth football coach over son’s limited playing time

A man has been convicted for shooting a youth football coach after an argument about his son’s playing time.

Daryl B. Clemmons, a 45-year-old man from Missouri, was found guilty of first-degree assault and armed criminal action. He shot Shaquille Latimore, a 34-year-old volunteer coach for the City Rec Legends Football League, near where the team was practising in 2023. This information comes from a statement by the St. Louis Circuit Attorney’s Office.

The shooting happened on October 10, 2023, at Sherman Park. It started during a disagreement about how much playing time Clemmons’ son was getting. Both men had weapons at the time.

Latimore gave his gun to a friend and suggested they settle the argument with a fistfight. However, Clemmons chose to shoot instead and then ran away. The incident took place close to where a group of 9- and 10-year-old children were playing. Clemmons turned himself in to the police later that night.

Latimore was shot five times but survived. Clemmons claimed he acted in self-defense, saying Latimore had challenged him to fight while holding a gun.

Circuit Attorney Gabe Gore said in a statement, “Violence, especially in youth sports, is never okay. It goes against what these programs stand for—teaching kids teamwork, discipline, and respect.”

He added, “This situation could have ended much worse for the coach, the children, and their families. Sadly, the emotional impact of this event will stay with everyone who saw it.”

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