
Fluency in English doesn’t measure intelligence-Singer Charles Onyeabor

Nigerian musician and cultural advocate Charles Onyeabor has ignited an important conversation about the value of indigenous languages in Africa.

He questions the widespread idea that being fluent in English means someone is intelligent. Instead, he emphasizes the need for Africans to embrace their native languages as a key part of their cultural identity.

In a recent statement, Onyeabor criticized the societal preference for English over local languages, calling on Africans to celebrate and take pride in their linguistic heritage.

Onyeabor stated: “Perfect English is not a mark of intelligence; it’s a mark of linguistic ability. We Africans were programmed to believe that the more you speak better English, it then means you are intelligent.

“I know a lot of flawless English-speaking guys and girls who are not as smart as a goat sef. You should be ashamed of yourself if you are Igbo, Hausa, Yoruba, or any other tribe, and you are unable to speak your native languages fluently but would rather speak another country’s language.”

He further underscored the importance of valuing indigenous languages, stating: “Don’t get me wrong; it’s good to speak other languages, but don’t make it look like your native language isn’t worth anything. It’s your identity. Go to France; they do not give a damn about English or any other language. Even Italians don’t care about any other language but theirs.”

Onyeabor also highlighted the irony in how Africans perceive language proficiency, pointing out that while foreigners are praised for attempting to speak local languages, Africans are often ridiculed for not speaking English perfectly.

“But in Nigeria, you will hear people say things like, ‘He/she can’t even speak good English,’ which is a way to insult people. I think it should be the other way round; people should start saying things like, ‘You can’t even speak your language,’ and not insult or abuse anyone who can’t speak another person’s language.”

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