
Woman explains why cheating isn’t a deal breaker for her and reveals why loyalty is unrealistic

An American woman has taken to social media to explain why cheating is not a dealbreaker for her and revealed why she believes loyalty is unrealistic.

Sharing a video on social media with an overlay text that reads, “Cheating isn’t a dealbreaker; hear me out, though,” she revealed that as she matured and grew older, she realized that asking somebody to be your person for the rest of your life is neither possible nor realistic.

She said that it is truly a lot to ask from someone and that it’s not possible to expect a marriage to remain completely free of cheating for as long as the couple is together.

The woman further stated that she knows her husband will cheat, but if he does, he should do it respectfully and inform her about it.

In her words:

” Cheating is not a deal breaker for me.I think the more matured and the older I get I realise that asking somebody to be your person for the rest of my life when I start a relationship because if you are not then you shouldn’t be with the person.

That’s a lot to ask from somebody to be like that everything for you for the next 60 years because I am going to be like 60,100 or 90 and I am 30 something right now so baby .

Do you really think I am going to be the only person that you ever deal with for the next 60 years like you are never ever ever going to f**k up ever in your life. I feel like that is very unrealistic and a lot to ask. I feel like you are going to f**k up but just f**k up respectfully and tell me”

Do you agree with what the woman is saying? Kindly share your thoughts in the comment box below..

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